How much do you know about the speed of motorcycles? Many people like high speed, but it's not good!

Many young people ride motorcycles, like to constantly turn the throttle, especially novices like the roaring sound of exhaust, often raising the engine speed to a high level. In fact, such a practice not only consumes fuel, but also causes some damage to the car. As a motorcycle teacher, he generally does not recommend that the car should be kept running at high speed. Especially young people who like to blow up the street frequently turn the engine to high speed, which not only disturbs the people, but also is not good for the car. Today we will talk about the correct posture of motorcycle driving, how to maintain the engine speed in a reasonable normal range, as a novice, it is necessary to learn.

Speed difference between motorcycle and automobile

As a motor vehicle, motorcycle has a higher engine speed compared with automobile. The main reason is that the number of cylinders of motorcycle is too few. Under normal driving conditions, the speed of motorcycles can reach four or five thousand revolutions, but the engine speed of cars rarely exceeds five thousand, unless the performance of vehicles is not very good. Generally, there are more than 10000 high-speed red zones in normal motorcycles, and the highest is about 12000 to 15000 in normal motorcycles. The number of single cylinder engines may be less, and the number of engines with more than 9000 revolutions and two cylinders is generally more than 10000 revolutions. The Kawasaki ninja, which used to be the strongest 250 on the earth's surface, has very strong power in the high turn area. It turns red only when the throttle is turned to more than 13000 turns. At the same time, the exhaust sound is more beautiful and thick at high turn.

Effect of rotational speed

Generally speaking, in the actual driving process, the gear speed of the motorcycle changes according to the actual demand of the road. In the case of overtaking or rapid acceleration, the high speed of the engine is often needed to provide enough power. In this case, the speed of the engine is in a high speed state. If cruising on a smooth road, the speed of the vehicle is often in a reasonable range. At the same time, such a low speed state will make the motorcycle more fuel-efficient and economical. In daily driving, as long as we don't get out of gear, we can maintain a stable speed.

How to maintain normal speed

As a motorcycle in daily use, there is no need to raise the speed to high speed, because the fuel consumption at high speed is relatively high. We only need to give a little throttle at each gear without dragging gear, so that the speed can be increased when the speed reaches 4000 or 5000 rpm. The timing of each upshift should be kept under the condition that the power will not drop too much and the speed will not be too high When the speed is increased to cruise speed, the gear should be raised as high as possible. Cruising with the highest gear can reduce fuel consumption. If power is needed, downshift to fuel.

Corresponding relationship between gear and speed

There is a certain speed range in different gear ranges. If the engine speed exceeds this range, the car will make a lot of noise, and the vehicle will produce greater vibration. According to the summary of daily driving experience, I choose to shift between different speeds to keep the engine speed not too high. Generally speaking, gear 1 corresponds to the speed of 2000 to 3500; gear 2 corresponds to the speed of 3500 to 4000; gear 3 corresponds to the speed of 4000 to 5000; gear 4 reduces the power after the speed rises, maintaining at 4500 to 5500 rpm; gear 5 and gear 6 correspond to the cruise of the vehicle Speed, select the appropriate cruise gear according to the actual road demand.

In a word , as a motorcycle driver, we should use the motorcycle tachometer correctly to ensure that the maximum engine speed in daily driving should not exceed the red line area of the tachometer. Driving at red line speed for a long time will cause great engine wear, which will significantly reduce engine performance and service life, and it is also unsafe for drivers. Generally speaking, as long as it does not exceed two-thirds of the revolution range of the tachometer, there will be no problem with the engine.



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